
Pittance. Another Poem.

“Take your pittance. For all your work.” • You don't understand. You sit there behind a fortune. You sit there, removed from us. Yet you tease us with money, some commodity for you but a lifeline for us. You sicken me, you spoiled brat. How dare you, when you are blessed to not suffer poverty. • “Take your pittance. And appreciate it.” • You don't understand. You sit there behind your luxury. You sit there, removed from us. Yet you tell us to appreciate what we have, lecture like a scholar on the topic of our abuse. I have nothing, you know that. How dare you, when you take everything for granted. • “Take your pittance. And invest it.” • You don't understand. You sit there behind your assets. You sit there, removed from us. And you tell us to invest, as if that makes a difference between meager cents.…

“Take your pittance. For all your work.”

You don't understand.

You sit there behind a fortune.

You sit there, removed from us.

Yet you tease us with money, some commodity for you but a lifeline for us.

You sicken me, you spoiled brat.

How dare you, when you are blessed to not suffer poverty.

“Take your pittance. And appreciate it.”

You don't understand.

You sit there behind your luxury.

You sit there, removed from us.

Yet you tell us to appreciate what we have, lecture like a scholar on the topic of our abuse.

I have nothing, you know that.

How dare you, when you take everything for granted.

“Take your pittance. And invest it.”

You don't understand.

You sit there behind your assets.

You sit there, removed from us.

And you tell us to invest, as if that makes a difference between meager cents.

You sicken me, how easy you have it.

How dare you, when you are able to grow hundreds in a moment without impact or worry.

“Take your pittance. And spend it.”

You don't understand.

You sit there behind it all.

You sit there, removed from us.

And you turn your back, you blame us for the economy.

I have nothing. You know that.

How dare you, when you actively abuse loopholes to avoid tax.

“Take your pittance. And keep working

So that's what this is.

An order from above to falsely hope.

To secure our chains and confuse us.

From paycheck to debt.

A pittance. A meager difference.

To call us free when we're still bound to serve.

To reward us with the choice to sacrifice.

Between food, or rent.

You sicken me. You monster.

I have nothing.

How dare you treat me like that.

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