
Pregnant and Quit My Job Due to Insensitivity/BULLSHIT

Background info, I worked at a well-known childcare learning center. I’m going to school for early education and left my toxic job in retail pharmacy for a job that reflects my major for experience. The job started out fine, I had consistent hours and felt heard. The pay was absolute shit but I started at the lowest position, a floater. Throughout the semester, they were flexible and understanding especially since it was a 45 min commute to work after class. In late May, I found out I was pregnant. Complete surprise but I have a solid, healthy relationship and we’re further ahead when it comes to finances than most of our peers. Mainly due to my fiancé working in a trade and working his ass off to be where he is. We’re very excited no matter how unexpected this might be. I told my job (assistant director) right away because…

Background info, I worked at a well-known childcare learning center. I’m going to school for early education and left my toxic job in retail pharmacy for a job that reflects
my major for experience. The job started out fine, I had consistent hours and felt heard. The pay was absolute shit but I started at the lowest position, a floater. Throughout the semester, they were flexible and understanding especially since it was a 45 min commute to work after class.

In late May, I found out I was pregnant. Complete surprise but I have a solid, healthy relationship and we’re further ahead when it comes to finances than most of our peers. Mainly due to my fiancé working in a trade and working his ass off to be where he is. We’re very excited no matter how unexpected this might be.

I told my job (assistant director) right away because of how sick I already was and I was made the lead teacher of my own classroom with NO pay raise, but I let it go when I shouldn’t have. They started off being understanding until the director came back from medical leave. The director came back and had 0 care for what I was dealing with. We have cameras in our classrooms monitoring us constantly. They’ve seen me throwing up in my room while my toddlers run around crazy. I’ve been unable to keep up and manage the classroom. I had expressed numerous times I was exhausted and sick, only to get a response of “that sucks” and an expectation to keep pushing harder.

I finally broke one Friday after I had a breakdown for 2 straight hours. I was 1 min late and already received a text asking if I was there yet (my partner was hyping me up to do the shift because I couldn’t get out of bed). I was sobbing hysterically and couldn’t do my job for 2 hours. No one came to check on me. Remember, there are cameras and we are constantly monitored by the director in her office. The housekeeping aid came in to deliver snack and immediately came to my aid. She let me leave and took over so I could have a break. My assistant director called me over and asked me to tell her what was wrong. I told her my mental health has hit rock bottom, I’m burnt out, I’m exhausted, I’m sick, and I can’t keep up with the expectations and responsibilities from the company. She rolled her eyes and said, “Once you accept this pregnancy as a blessing, things will be better. God wouldn’t have given you this pregnancy if he didn’t think you could handle it.”

What the fuck? I’m not religious, but even if I was, I never mentioned the pregnancy not being a blessing. It was my mental health surrounding my job and other issues with my family stressing me out. They then put me in another classroom and ignored me the rest of the day. They then let closers leave before me and I was one of the last people let out. The next Monday, they proceeded to ignore me and I finally told them I couldn’t do it anymore and had to put myself first. They looked annoyed and accepted my leave, only to let someone who had the same shift as me leave 30 min before me and other closers.

Needless to say, I’m glad to not be working there anymore. The company had little care for their teachers and crazy expectations that could not be met, only for us to be yelled at every week for not meeting them. My stress levels have decreased drastically and I’m able to enjoy my pregnancy now more than ever.

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