I was promoted a couple of hours ago. I should say, “promoted.” There will be higher expectations of me for the rest of the year, but I was told they do not do raises mid year. The last time I was promoted was in May of a previous year, at which point I received a raise.
I have a meeting with my supervisor's boss in less than an hour to discuss this.
I received the highest level of achievement on all of our rating scales. I was told at 100% scoring like that they can't NOT promote me.
I have been told since my last review I was getting this promotion during my mid-year review. I was also told that, of course it'll come with a raise. I have been looking forward to this raise since January.
Please request this type of information in writing! I am digging through my emails right now to see if my supervisor put anything in writing, but I am not very hopeful. Management knows what they're doing with the ways they communicate. . .