
Protest/what to do

I made a post a bit ago on here saying something like yeah shit sucks but what do we do about it? And I'm sure we already know it's hard cuz we're already living paycheck to paycheck. We'll it's not much but this is one of the things I came up with: I'm gonna try to call every corporate office I can and ask questions like “Do you offer your employees a living wage?” “Whats the lowest paid workers rate in your company?” Questions along those lines. I'm sure they're not gonna go omg yeah we need to pay our workers more. I'm just looking to be a thorn in their side and make some noise. I'm going to be doing this myself whenever I can but I'm just one person. But can you imagine if so many people every day called in asking these questions? Just non stop ringing…

I made a post a bit ago on here saying something like yeah shit sucks but what do we do about it? And I'm sure we already know it's hard cuz we're already living paycheck to paycheck. We'll it's not much but this is one of the things I came up with:
I'm gonna try to call every corporate office I can and ask questions like “Do you offer your employees a living wage?” “Whats the lowest paid workers rate in your company?” Questions along those lines. I'm sure they're not gonna go omg yeah we need to pay our workers more. I'm just looking to be a thorn in their side and make some noise. I'm going to be doing this myself whenever I can but I'm just one person. But can you imagine if so many people every day called in asking these questions? Just non stop ringing at corporate offices asking the same questions. I was even thinking calling up local stores and being a Karen and ask to speak to the manager to ask. Maybe even see if you can get a hold of the district manager. Imagine so many calls and so many people “wasting” the managers time with these long drawn out conversations. They'd have to do something about it. At least hire more people to answer phones. Buy more phones. Possibly raise wages?? They say the squeaky wheel gets the oil. I wanna be such a loud groaning squeaking agonizingly annoying mother fucking wheel. It ain't much but it's something I can do starting Monday.

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