
PTO request denied for the first time ever, I need advice.

I have a good, solid, full time job. It’s got it’s ups and downs, but it’s generally pretty laid back. Recently, I got an opportunity to travel internationally for a family event. This is a once in a lifetime kind of trip. I would be gone for 6 working days in total. The dates are during a semi-busy time of year, nothing the team can’t handle, but our year end inventory falls on one of those dates that I’ll be gone. My boss is requesting I make it back for that date (leaving me only 3 days to spend in another country). I told them this is not a possibility and that I need the full 6 days. I’m not sure where to go from here. This trip is extremely important to me. I’m one of their top employees. I work hard, and I never ask for this much time…

I have a good, solid, full time job. It’s got it’s ups and downs, but it’s generally pretty laid back.

Recently, I got an opportunity to travel internationally for a family event. This is a once in a lifetime kind of trip. I would be gone for 6 working days in total.

The dates are during a semi-busy time of year, nothing the team can’t handle, but our year end inventory falls on one of those dates that I’ll be gone.

My boss is requesting I make it back for that date (leaving me only 3 days to spend in another country). I told them this is not a possibility and that I need the full 6 days.

I’m not sure where to go from here.
This trip is extremely important to me. I’m one of their top employees. I work hard, and I never ask for this much time off at once.

If I’m forced to miss out on this event because of one day, it’s going to leave a sour taste in my mouth and I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive them for it.

What would you do in this position?

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