
PTO rules changed without staff being noticed. Advice?

Our PTO was originally once you were promoted you get 10 days and it renews 12 months post that date. I was promoted in April. When I had major surgery in January and was preparing for medical leave, my boss suggested I use all 10 since it would renew in a few months. I did. I came back after my medical leave in April. A few weeks after that I used 1 day of PTO to handle some errands. I’m moving next Wednesday and requested to use one day of PTO for that. My boss responded that I had used all my days. I explained the policy and information she told me at the beginning of the year. She said when the executive director left (during my medical leave) they switched the policy to be 10 days per calendar year. Staff was not notified of the change. She then apologized…

Our PTO was originally once you were promoted you get 10 days and it renews 12 months post that date. I was promoted in April.

When I had major surgery in January and was preparing for medical leave, my boss suggested I use all 10 since it would renew in a few months. I did.

I came back after my medical leave in April. A few weeks after that I used 1 day of PTO to handle some errands.

I’m moving next Wednesday and requested to use one day of PTO for that. My boss responded that I had used all my days. I explained the policy and information she told me at the beginning of the year. She said when the executive director left (during my medical leave) they switched the policy to be 10 days per calendar year. Staff was not notified of the change. She then apologized for giving me wrong information.

I have yet to respond. I work at a small non-profit so there is no one else I can turn to regarding this situation. This comes after a string of incidents of my work/life boundaries and my colleagues boundaries not being respected. I have been contemplating quitting for a while. This field of work is very emotionally draining and it has me longing for a job that I don’t have to worry about outside of my shift even if it means lower pay. Though often those lower paying jobs have benefits not currently available to me here. I have a savings account to help hold me over till I can get another job even if it’s minimum wage (it’s 15$ where I am, so not great but better than a lot of places in the US. I currently make 20$)

Looking for anyone willing to share their thoughts on the situation. Thank you and I wish you a peaceful day.

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