
Question about being demoted unfairly

hi, sorry if this is completely the wrong subreddit but it’s the closest i’ve found relating to an issue i need some help with, basically i was wondering is it possible to be demoted over taking time off that was approved with a doctors cert for my illness? for some context my manager has recently been approved for a relocation he’s been after for six months and hes now going to work elsewhere in the company and has been out of work here for about a month leaving us pretty stuck without a manager at all as it was very short notice and no replacement had been found. i am the assistant manager, but only for a few months now and i’ve yet to complete my training as we have been constantly too understaffed to spare me to train correctly. I’ve had two managers quit on the spot before this…

hi, sorry if this is completely the wrong subreddit but it’s the closest i’ve found relating to an issue i need some help with, basically i was wondering is it possible to be demoted over taking time off that was approved with a doctors cert for my illness? for some context my manager has recently been approved for a relocation he’s been after for six months and hes now going to work elsewhere in the company and has been out of work here for about a month leaving us pretty stuck without a manager at all as it was very short notice and no replacement had been found. i am the assistant manager, but only for a few months now and i’ve yet to complete my training as we have been constantly too understaffed to spare me to train correctly.

I’ve had two managers quit on the spot before this one and leave us stuck for months at a time which i honestly can understand why they did why they did but it made the responsibility fall onto me when at the time i was only a supervisor and still new to that too so i’m familiar with how this cycle goes, they have been asking me to take the manager job since he’s left and i’ve been very clear and adamant that i am happy just assisting the manager and i do not want that type of responsibility that a manager would have on their shoulders as i’m not prepared or ready for it yet. Now, i’ve taken 13 days days off of work in late decemeber-early January as well for the same reason as this time and after sending my cert this time to my superiors i was told pretty fast that this will have to be accounted for when they finish my final probationary meeting and this will affect the outcome despite me passing my mid term probationary meeting pretty well not even a month ago. my job has always been made aware of my illness, i was completely and utterly transparent about it when they first hired me as a sales assistant, and then again as a supervisor and now as assistant manager so it’s not like they don’t have paperwork of it as they’ve conducted wellness meetings with me before, but they now are guilting me as we have demoted our two other supervisors and have only been left with me and one other sup in the entire store that can only open, close and manage so we have been stuck on some pretty nasty long shifts and relied on entirely so me now having a doctors cert for time off puts the other supervisor in a horrible position as we have no other cover, my family and friends told me it’s not my problem and that they should’ve had this all sorted when they knew about the manager relocating since they did have six months notice, but i just want some others takes on this since it’s a bit of a mess and i’m starting to panic that maybe i will lose my job or position because of this.

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