
Quitting High Paying Corporate Job

Putting my two weeks notice in on Friday and cannot wait! Have been miserable for months and months. Haven’t had more than 2 weeks off from working for more than 13 years. I feel my life has been passing by and I don’t value high paying salary and all the corporate hoolahoop bullshit anymore. I would rather bet on myself, report to my self, do what I want when I want over being undervalued and burnt out. Taking a huge risk in giving up a company in which my financial future is set. I’m definitely nervous about financial future but let’s see what happens Just cannot wait to see the bosses faces when I tell ‘em Friday morning.

Putting my two weeks notice in on Friday and cannot wait!

Have been miserable for months and months. Haven’t had more than 2 weeks off from working for more than 13 years.

I feel my life has been passing by and I don’t value high paying salary and all the corporate hoolahoop bullshit anymore. I would rather bet on myself, report to my self, do what I want when I want over being undervalued and burnt out.

Taking a huge risk in giving up a company in which my financial future is set. I’m definitely nervous about financial future but let’s see what happens

Just cannot wait to see the bosses faces when I tell ‘em Friday morning.

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