
Return to Office Just Long Enough to Unionize

I've been seeing more and more people talking about how their shitty bosses are trying so hard to force them back into the office. And NO ONE wants to stop doing work from home. So, I have a proposal. If your management won't budge about returning to the office, get everyone to come in at the same time for a meeting. At that meeting, form a union. And then, as one united workforce, walk out until the company agrees to permanent work from home. If enough staff at enough companies do this, the remaining evil corporate overlords might get to nervous to pull this ever again.

I've been seeing more and more people talking about how their shitty bosses are trying so hard to force them back into the office. And NO ONE wants to stop doing work from home. So, I have a proposal.

If your management won't budge about returning to the office, get everyone to come in at the same time for a meeting. At that meeting, form a union. And then, as one united workforce, walk out until the company agrees to permanent work from home. If enough staff at enough companies do this, the remaining evil corporate overlords might get to nervous to pull this ever again.

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