
Screwed Up By Taking a New Opportunity

For context I have been with my current company for about 2.5 years. I started working in sales and became very burnt out by it. In this position I made minimum wage and qualified for bonuses. At the beginning of this month I switched departments for a slightly higher hourly wage but no bonus opportunities. The new work is much more tedious and endless, with almost no downtime and we are encouraged to not take our whole 60 minute break everyday to get through everything that needs to be done. I feel I have made a very bad decision and should’ve just stuck it out in sales after seeing my first paycheck from this new position. I sort of feel like a failure for even asking my old boss to come back to the sales team but very much wish to have my old job back. I have an interview…

For context I have been with my current company for about 2.5 years. I started working in sales and became very burnt out by it. In this position I made minimum wage and qualified for bonuses. At the beginning of this month I switched departments for a slightly higher hourly wage but no bonus opportunities. The new work is much more tedious and endless, with almost no downtime and we are encouraged to not take our whole 60 minute break everyday to get through everything that needs to be done. I feel I have made a very bad decision and should’ve just stuck it out in sales after seeing my first paycheck from this new position. I sort of feel like a failure for even asking my old boss to come back to the sales team but very much wish to have my old job back.

I have an interview on Monday for the sales department of a competitor but obviously no guarantee of getting that job. Any advice for my situation would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance.

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