
Should I ask for a raise and how?

So to give some Background information: I Work for a German Company as an Accountant since 2020. The Company had a tough time the Last 3 years. First we lost some customers because of COVID and then we lost our production place in the Ukraine because of the war. Now We are rebuilding our Production in Czech Republic. We are deep in the red and the only money we are getting right now is from our Mother Company and Investors. My Chef has to juggle our finances every day. Now to me. My supervisor quit his job last year and His Position was cancelled Afterwards. I took some of his responsilities for example doing the annual accounts or some controlling tasks. I really Like working there. My Chef and my coworkers are nice and I Like my tasks. But I also would Like to be compensated for my New responsilities.…

So to give some Background information: I Work for a German Company as an Accountant since 2020. The Company had a tough time the Last 3 years. First we lost some customers because of COVID and then we lost our production place in the Ukraine because of the war. Now We are rebuilding our Production in Czech Republic. We are deep in the red and the only money we are getting right now is from our Mother Company and Investors. My Chef has to juggle our finances every day.

Now to me. My supervisor quit his job last year and His Position was cancelled Afterwards. I took some of his responsilities for example doing the annual accounts or some controlling tasks. I really Like working there. My Chef and my coworkers are nice and I Like my tasks. But I also would Like to be compensated for my New responsilities.

Now I am struggling with the desicion to ask my Boss for a raise. I totally understand the difficult Situation for my Company. But I am Starting to also have some money issues. I am living Same Life as before but its becoming more and more expensive. I try to Cut Corners where I can but I am Starting to actually loose some of my saved money which is Driving me crazy and is giving me some sleepless nights.

Also our Consultants just raised their ourly Rates in the beginning of this year and No one apprently has a Problem with that…

So my Question is should I ask for a raise and how do I do it? Or do you have another suggestion on how to handle this situation?

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