
Should I stop coming in on unscheduled time?

So I am an eyeglass sales person and also mainly the lab tech at my store and a lot of times I’m the only one that can cut the lenses and put together orders because the person who trained me doesn’t work there anymore and nobody else is really versed in how to do lab stuff. I was asked to come in on Tuesday for a couple hours to help cut things. I also stayed and cleaned out and overflowing shop vac and cleaned out the shavings in the lens cutter, as it really needed to be done and I was, I’m still slowly learning all the things I need to do since I’m the only lab tech, and I only have a couple months of training behind us. Everyone’s super appreciated at work for me, but the other day they asked me to come in and everything and I…

So I am an eyeglass sales person and also mainly the lab tech at my store and a lot of times I’m the only one that can cut the lenses and put together orders because the person who trained me doesn’t work there anymore and nobody else is really versed in how to do lab stuff. I was asked to come in on Tuesday for a couple hours to help cut things. I also stayed and cleaned out and overflowing shop vac and cleaned out the shavings in the lens cutter, as it really needed to be done and I was, I’m still slowly learning all the things I need to do since I’m the only lab tech, and I only have a couple months of training behind us. Everyone’s super appreciated at work for me, but the other day they asked me to come in and everything and I came in for a few hours and did that, only to be called today and told that they have to cut those hours out of my shift today because I came in the other day. I assumed I was going to be getting extra hours for coming in and helping them out and yet now it’s cutting out of my eight hour shift today to become a five hour shift. I expressed my frustration a little bit and said I was expecting to work eight hours today and of course the lady telling me this was not the store manager and she was just helping out, so I agreed and told her I would figure it out later my question is, should I still go in on my own time that I am not scheduled for to help out and cut lenses when it’s not actually any benefit to me? I understand that everything Hass to do with the amount of hours allotted for a week and the sales that accrue throughout the week, but it’s also frustrating because when doing sales they give you hours more freely than they do for the lab tech. I do both things and I’m not paid or I didn’t get a raise or a contract saying that I was a lab tech now, so I still do sales as well, and it’s frustrating to me that when I’m doing lab stuff I will make less money but you know I’m not even an addict like I don’t even get a weight raise for it or anything like that so. What are you guys suggest I do I am a very good worker, and I don’t like to cause too much of a fuss but I want to set boundaries.

Apologies for typos I used audio to type this

Looking back I can’t remember what that ‘addict’ and ‘weight’ were supposed to mean my apologies

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