
Sick and tired of the American system

Can’t afford health insurance, therefore can’t finish school as an EMT to try and do something I love. Any idea of jobs that pay enough to live AND try and figure out some health insurance? Been living in Miami for 13 years and rent is truly getting wild I need to find an entry level job that pays well or move out of Miami at this point… currently working as a server but it’s just not enough… any other fields I should try that can pay well and won’t make me want to die?

Can’t afford health insurance, therefore can’t finish school as an EMT to try and do something I love. Any idea of jobs that pay enough to live AND try and figure out some health insurance? Been living in Miami for 13 years and rent is truly getting wild I need to find an entry level job that pays well or move out of Miami at this point… currently working as a server but it’s just not enough… any other fields I should try that can pay well and won’t make me want to die?

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