
So I think my company is trying to force me to quit

Hey everyone, so I’m in a bit of a pickle at the moment. I work for a fairly big property company in the maintenance department. Been working here for less than a year but I have great rapport with my coworkers, however my upper management team has always seemed to not like me for reasons unknown. I was given a warning about a month and a half ago about attendance (I was having a rough time at the moment and I was being late/calling out). After that I cleaned my act up, was early every day and taking my job a bit more seriously. Fast forward to yesterday, I get called to the corporate office and I get told i’m getting transferred to a different property about 30 minutes away from where I currently work and live. No paperwork, no explanation whatsoever. I thought it was weird but didn’t put…

Hey everyone, so I’m in a bit of a pickle at the moment. I work for a fairly big property company in the maintenance department. Been working here for less than a year but I have great rapport with my coworkers, however my upper management team has always seemed to not like me for reasons unknown. I was given a warning about a month and a half ago about attendance (I was having a rough time at the moment and I was being late/calling out). After that I cleaned my act up, was early every day and taking my job a bit more seriously. Fast forward to yesterday, I get called to the corporate office and I get told i’m getting transferred to a different property about 30 minutes away from where I currently work and live. No paperwork, no explanation whatsoever. I thought it was weird but didn’t put much thought into it. Then today when I report to my new work location I get told that where I got transferred to is being sold to a different property company next week! I’ve spent all day trying to contact upper management and no one answers. Which leads me to believe they’re just trying to get me to quit or finding a way to fire me since they have no actual reason to. I don’t know what to do at this point and am looking for some advice or anything that could help.

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