
Super qualified in hr…but stuck in dead end retail. Advices?

Straight A student all my life. Started working at 18. Got a high pay HR job in a great company while still at university. Graduated in an excellent university, got promoted, saved money. The job environment became horrible but I handled because the salary was the highest in my area. I was overworked, WFH revoked, I was burn out and left the company on nice terms after 4 years. Took some months of rest and felt really better. Started applying to every hr position (I'm in a rich metropolitan area with lot of companies). I was ignored by most of the companies. Some answered me and also offered me jobs but the salary were insanely low, less than what I did 4 years ago and without degree (and now there is inflation) and with no room for promotion. Stated working in retail out of necessity, salary is low but still…

Straight A student all my life.

Started working at 18.

Got a high pay HR job in a great company while still at university.

Graduated in an excellent university, got promoted, saved money.

The job environment became horrible but I handled because the salary was the highest in my area.

I was overworked, WFH revoked, I was burn out and left the company on nice terms after 4 years.

Took some months of rest and felt really better. Started applying to every hr position (I'm in a rich metropolitan area with lot of companies). I was ignored by most of the companies. Some answered me and also offered me jobs but the salary were insanely low, less than what I did 4 years ago and without degree (and now there is inflation) and with no room for promotion.

Stated working in retail out of necessity, salary is low but still way better than all the hr offers. I thought it was just for a little but more than a year passed, and I'm still stucked in a dead end retail job.

Any advice for come back at a similar job I had?
I mean, my CV is great, I worked all the time since I was 18, got a nice degree. I was out of work for only 2 MONTHS. How can my career be so devastated in such short time? (I even left the old company on nice terms)

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