
The beatings will continue until morale improves

Next week, my employer is having their first ever all-staff meeting. Everyone is required to be there unless they have specific duties that would prevent it. We haven’t been given a full agenda, but we know two of the discussion points: mental health, and rock, paper, scissors. Yep, they are making us attend a RPS competition. Every department has been hosting their own internal brackets to find one person to represent their department in this event. My section alone spent roughly three hours yesterday in rounds of elimination to pick a winner, who will face other sections internally in our department before finally going on to next week’s meeting. Hundreds if not thousands of person-hours wasted across the org. This is to boost morale I guess? Hey, HR, instead of rock paper scissors, maybe give raises that match inflation and maybe reinstate the WFH options that 100% worked during COVID…

Next week, my employer is having their first ever all-staff meeting. Everyone is required to be there unless they have specific duties that would prevent it.

We haven’t been given a full agenda, but we know two of the discussion points: mental health, and rock, paper, scissors.

Yep, they are making us attend a RPS competition. Every department has been hosting their own internal brackets to find one person to represent their department in this event. My section alone spent roughly three hours yesterday in rounds of elimination to pick a winner, who will face other sections internally in our department before finally going on to next week’s meeting.

Hundreds if not thousands of person-hours wasted across the org. This is to boost morale I guess?

Hey, HR, instead of rock paper scissors, maybe give raises that match inflation and maybe reinstate the WFH options that 100% worked during COVID but somehow don’t work anymore? You know, things that actually help your staff in real ways? Just a thought.


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