
The financial system: the root of the problem

The inflationary make belief fiat currency is not based in reality because it is not backed by anything real. If dollars or formerly known as bank notes were representative of Gold or Silver, than it would not be possible for our government to get bailed out by some foreign entity known as the Federal reserve who deems themselves God in printing money out of thin air. It's the root of the problem and can be identified as the issue behind the culture and soulless entity today known as work.

The inflationary make belief fiat currency is not based in reality because it is not backed by anything real.

If dollars or formerly known as bank notes were representative of Gold or Silver, than it would not be possible for our government to get bailed out by some foreign entity known as the Federal reserve who deems themselves God in printing money out of thin air.

It's the root of the problem and can be identified as the issue behind the culture and soulless entity today known as work.

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