
Trying to get a job with a B.S. starting to feel hopeless

I hate when someone says “nobody wants to work anymore”… I’ve applied to so many jobs. Not even an interview. Does anyone have some advice? It’s starting to feel truly dismal. I do plan to do grad school but I thought I could at least claw my way out of the financial hole I’m in in the meantime doing some kind of work using my degree. I thought STEM would be safe. I have worked the entire time I’ve been in school and have great references, I worked as hard as I can to balance school and bills. Am I just making the wrong decisions? Feeling pretty lost.

I hate when someone says “nobody wants to work anymore”… I’ve applied to so many jobs. Not even an interview. Does anyone have some advice? It’s starting to feel truly dismal.
I do plan to do grad school but I thought I could at least claw my way out of the financial hole I’m in in the meantime doing some kind of work using my degree. I thought STEM would be safe. I have worked the entire time I’ve been in school and have great references, I worked as hard as I can to balance school and bills. Am I just making the wrong decisions? Feeling pretty lost.

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