
Universal Income Program (UIP)

I believe this should be talked more often, but I think we have forgotten that we live in the digital age of technology where we are suppose to be working less for more leisure time. Why aren’t we given a Universal Income to compensate for the loss of jobs that have been replaced by automated check out machines, or robotic assembly lines? Why haven’t we been using Corporations as a “machine” to generate wealth and dispense it into the economy as a form of Universal Income to allow Americans to live a comfortable life style without having to work a day in their life? It’s 2023 and we still live as if it was the era of pre-internet…. We have became comfortable with living a life style surrounded by governmental corruption to destroy our futures and France has been the only country with the attitude to fight back? Why have…

I believe this should be talked more often, but I think we have forgotten that we live in the digital age of technology where we are suppose to be working less for more leisure time. Why aren’t we given a Universal Income to compensate for the loss of jobs that have been replaced by automated check out machines, or robotic assembly lines?
Why haven’t we been using Corporations as a “machine” to generate wealth and dispense it into the economy as a form of Universal Income to allow Americans to live a comfortable life style without having to work a day in their life?
It’s 2023 and we still live as if it was the era of pre-internet…. We have became comfortable with living a life style surrounded by governmental corruption to destroy our futures and France has been the only country with the attitude to fight back? Why have we been so docile and feeble minded? Are we too distracted and divided that we can’t work together as a country?

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