
Update to leaving a job thay denied me a raise

A handful of you asked for an update to my post about quitting my job that denied me a raise: I put in my 2 weeks notice 15 days ago. My coworkers are scrambling to figure out how the clinic will function without me, as I’ve been the ONLY medical assistant working Sundays for the past few weeks. Our NP and medical director have both joked about everyone else needing to “get it together “ to make up for my absence. After our temp manager put in a request to hire a replacement for me, the hospital announced it would be reassessing our clinic’s staffing budget, so who knows what direction that will go. Earlier today I was officially offered a job as a research associate for a local health department today! Pay is the same but benefits are WAY better, I won’t have to work weekends/holidays, and my…

A handful of you asked for an update to my post about quitting my job that denied me a raise:

I put in my 2 weeks notice 15 days ago. My coworkers are scrambling to figure out how the clinic will function without me, as I’ve been the ONLY medical assistant working Sundays for the past few weeks. Our NP and medical director have both joked about everyone else needing to “get it together “ to make up for my absence. After our temp manager put in a request to hire a replacement for me, the hospital announced it would be reassessing our clinic’s staffing budget, so who knows what direction that will go.

Earlier today I was officially offered a job as a research associate for a local health department today! Pay is the same but benefits are WAY better, I won’t have to work weekends/holidays, and my commute is cut in half. My first day will be 6/20, giving me some time off to relax and do some much needed wedding planning!

This position is pretty much my dream job. When people would ask what I wanted to do with my degree, I would reply that I want to do research into harm reduction, barriers to accessing care, or unique LGBTQ health outcomes. This job looks at ALL THREE. I’m so excited I can’t stand it!

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