
Was offered a municipal job but they asked for all moral rights to my imaged and audio of myrself

“Release and Assignment I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize [the City], its agents or assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish images and audio of myself [“the Images”] for editorial, trade, advertising, promotion or any other lawful purpose in any manner or medium, and to alter the same without restriction without the payment of any compensation. Further, in favour of the City, I do hereby:  waive any right to notice or approval of any use of the Images;  release the City and its agents or assigns from all claims and liabilities relating to the Images of myself or by   virtue of alteration, processing or use in composite form;  release all intellectual property rights, including copyright, which I have in or to the Images; and  assign to the City all moral rights which I have in or to the Images. I hereby represent that I am over…

“Release and Assignment

I hereby irrevocably consent to and authorize [the City], its agents or assigns, the irrevocable and unrestricted right to use and publish images and audio of myself [“the Images”] for editorial, trade, advertising, promotion or any other lawful purpose in any manner or medium, and to alter the same without restriction without the payment of any compensation. Further, in favour of the City, I do hereby:

  1.  waive any right to notice or approval of any use of the Images;
  2.  release the City and its agents or assigns from all claims and liabilities relating to the Images of myself or by   virtue of alteration, processing or use in composite form;
  3.  release all intellectual property rights, including copyright, which I have in or to the Images; and
  4.  assign to the City all moral rights which I have in or to the Images.

I hereby represent that I am over 18 years of age and the right to contract in my own name, and also state that I have read this document prior to signing same and I fully understand its contents.”

Is it normal to give up these rights for employment?

Could this interfere with my modelling, photography and Instagram copyrights? Is it normal for an employer to ask for all moral rights and release of all intellectual property rights to images and audio with myself? It doesn't seem to say that they need to be images or audio that they take, is it just everything?

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