
was purposefully terminated before company would’ve had to give compensation.

Joined a Apartment Maintenance company recently and was let go yesterday 1 week before i would’ve qualified for unemployment during this process of finding another job, (Massachusetts law requires you to make 6000 or work somewhere for a certain amount of time, i was terminated Monday near 4800 dollars. if i would’ve stayed until this Friday, making about 640 a week, then i would’ve qualified.) When i walked in for my job interview they told me that i was going to be a landscaper for the summer but they wanted someone who had experience with carpentry which i do (about 6 years.) i was hired for about 2 months before they told me I did not fit what they were looking for and the hire wasn’t what they were expecting. which is silly considering i did exactly what they needed. I had a suspicion this was going to happen by…

Joined a Apartment Maintenance company recently and was let go yesterday 1 week before i would’ve qualified for unemployment during this process of finding another job, (Massachusetts law requires you to make 6000 or work somewhere for a certain amount of time, i was terminated Monday near 4800 dollars. if i would’ve stayed until this Friday, making about 640 a week, then i would’ve qualified.)

When i walked in for my job interview they told me that i was going to be a landscaper for the summer but they wanted someone who had experience with carpentry which i do (about 6 years.) i was hired for about 2 months before they told me I did not fit what they were looking for and the hire wasn’t what they were expecting. which is silly considering i did exactly what they needed.

I had a suspicion this was going to happen by hints even the manager would drop about how there’s so many people who come in and out that he would lose track of who has worked there and who has not.

After my termination i saw that Massachusetts state labor law requires company’s to pay terminated workers in full the day of their termination. after confronting my boss about this i was told payroll would be done either today and tomorrow and i would receive payment Friday which if this does not happen i will be taking matters to the state.

This is very obviously a deliberate move to dodge giving any benefits or company incentives. very sleazy move that leaves me in the dust, and breaks the law.

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