
Watching retail worker stand up for themselves.

Nothing makes me happier than watching a retail worker stand up for themselves. I was at Aldi‘s and some lady was being totally unreasonable. The worker was being polite, but firm and stood his ground. After the interaction was over he kept on apologizing for wasting my time. I looked at him, and I said. “Fuck that lady. No apology necessary.” he laughed, and we did a fist bump.

Nothing makes me happier than watching a retail worker stand up for themselves. I was at Aldi‘s and some lady was being totally unreasonable. The worker was being polite, but firm and stood his ground. After the interaction was over he kept on apologizing for wasting my time. I looked at him, and I said. “Fuck that lady. No apology necessary.” he laughed, and we did a fist bump.

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