
We have the option for voluntary overtime next month. My boss didn’t understand why I signed up for three days.

They were only asking for one from everybody to make a “show of support,” but what they forget is that they’re all higher paid than I am. While I technically make the same hourly as I did before, my previous position had a minimum of two hours overtime every week, and I hadn’t realized how much that added up in giving a little wiggle room in my paycheck. I’m a single income supporting me, my fiancé, and his mom. If I can net an extra $700 in three days, then it’ll mean I can not count pennies when the auto pay is due.

They were only asking for one from everybody to make a “show of support,” but what they forget is that they’re all higher paid than I am. While I technically make the same hourly as I did before, my previous position had a minimum of two hours overtime every week, and I hadn’t realized how much that added up in giving a little wiggle room in my paycheck. I’m a single income supporting me, my fiancé, and his mom. If I can net an extra $700 in three days, then it’ll mean I can not count pennies when the auto pay is due.

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