
We need a sex strike

TLDR: I felt stuck and trapped due to everything that had been going on. This is what I came up with: A sex strike. If we all join in on the sex strike it could effect the economy. No sex = no babies = no workers. Men have been and still are motivated by women and if we can get this to the top, there will be a chance for us to at least be heard. Focusing on fighting for quality of life and the freedom to choose. We need a sex strike Hi, I wanted to ask you guys for help to start a revolution regarding our reproductive rights and people drafting laws making personal choices to our own bodies illegal. I got the idea from a post: A comment was made my @vertroue about striking by not spending unnecessarily, and taking off of work if possible from…

TLDR: I felt stuck and trapped due to everything that had been going on. This is what I came up with: A sex strike. If we all join in on the sex strike it could effect the economy. No sex = no babies = no workers. Men have been and still are motivated by women and if we can get this to the top, there will be a chance for us to at least be heard. Focusing on fighting for quality of life and the freedom to choose.

We need a sex strike


I wanted to ask you guys for help to start a revolution regarding our reproductive rights and people drafting laws making personal choices to our own bodies illegal.

I got the idea from a post:

A comment was made my @vertroue about striking by not spending unnecessarily, and taking off of work if possible from May 8th-15th, 2022. If all or enough of us come together during this time to do this, this can hopefully get lawmakers and politicians in the U.S. to address the impending doom and permanent damaging effects that will be inflicted on everyone and their mothers in our lifetime and beyond. I liked the idea, but I felt it was not going to be quite enough. Especially since it will significantly hurt us.

Another post by @MTV_WasMyBabysitter: summed up what I was feeling. Stuck and useless- that anything we do may all be in vain, but I still have hope.

HERE IS MY ASK OF YOU: Let's do the strike on buying and work (if possible) from May 8th-15th, but let's add on a cute lil sex strike to it and keep it going however long it takes.

For this to work, we need EVERYONE on all fronts. The best thing for this strike is to spread it far and wide and high and deep. I'm talking around the world, to the core of the Earth, to Neptune and beyond, and back 69 times over.

I've also been flexing and massaging my smooth brain by reading up on sex strikes more.

Yes, sex strikes have been successful. But not because women simply withheld sex

This is worth a read! It is impressive and inspiring what women, nonbinary/genderless or people with reproductive systems can do when we come together.

For men or those who do not think this involves them because you already support freedom to choose/pro-choice, we need you guys too. Help spread this, write about it, discuss it, debate it in an open and non defensive way. And have safe sex with us! No sex = no babies to pump into the capitalist system that needs high birth rates to keep it lubed up. People with reproductive systems are already deleting dating apps and getting on mutliple types of birth control, but we need you to join us too. 

We need to keep this up until the lawmakers and politicians notice. My hope is that their S.O.'s will have heard about this and are at the very least talking about it.

Sex strikes have been successful in Greece, in ending wars, rumored to ending inhumane experiments, and it has helped make change happen. Please remember that if they start taking natural rights like this away, regulating our bodies, and taking choices away, the slippery slope of negative consequences will take us all down (but maybe that's truly where we belong). We just have to come together and spread it for this to work.

Also, protest in front of these people's houses and vacation homes and other family members' homes. We can so multiple things at once. We talented.

“When a friend asks for help, you help 'em”.

Open to brainstorming this through and through. What say you?


sexstrike2022 #labiamaybelaa LMAO

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