
We need anti-nepotism laws for large, publicly traded companies.

Some people might say duh, go out and make some friends, so on and so forth, but if a company is publicly owned then its required by LAW to do what's best for the shareholders and what's best is making sure the company runs as efficiently as possible. I've stated before that large companies should be required to take someone who checks all of the boxes needed that's needed and not boss's friend's son number 2 with literally half the experience, qualifications, or other alarming factors. I really wish the DOL would get funding and hire people to be plants to weed out bosses doing this with on the spot fines, and then get a paycheck from both jobs to act as canaries once hired about any illegal on goings that just get moved through without the company having any warning or time to investigate things since the allegations behind…

Some people might say duh, go out and make some friends, so on and so forth, but if a company is publicly owned then its required by LAW to do what's best for the shareholders and what's best is making sure the company runs as efficiently as possible. I've stated before that large companies should be required to take someone who checks all of the boxes needed that's needed and not boss's friend's son number 2 with literally half the experience, qualifications, or other alarming factors.

I really wish the DOL would get funding and hire people to be plants to weed out bosses doing this with on the spot fines, and then get a paycheck from both jobs to act as canaries once hired about any illegal on goings that just get moved through without the company having any warning or time to investigate things since the allegations behind the fine are coming from an undisclosed and protected member of the DOL.

Just some food for thought but I don't see how people would prefer someone who “Knows someone” that is exactly equal in all other factors to a random applicant except the fact their friend also has an issue finding work for drug and theft convictions (recent ones at that). The amount of times I'm noticing this in my area is honestly quite ridiculous.

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