
Why do employers make you feel guilty for being sick?

I’ve been sick for 2 weeks straight and I work in retail sales so being sick last week wasn’t an option because it was Memorial Day. I’m still extremely sick though and my coworkers were sick all throughout Memorial Day. On two days I was finally getting better. Yesterday I thought I was better but pushed myself too hard and got feeling awful again. This morning I work up and felt worse than I have for the whole two weeks + more alarming new symptoms I need to get checked out so I told my manager this and he accuses me of being fake sick and keeps prying on why I didn’t go to the doctor on my day off. It’s because I genuinely didn’t feel as sick as today and now I’m even worse. Trying to make me feel like a terrible person because I’m in need of medical…

I’ve been sick for 2 weeks straight and I work in retail sales so being sick last week wasn’t an option because it was Memorial Day. I’m still extremely sick though and my coworkers were sick all throughout Memorial Day.

On two days I was finally getting better. Yesterday I thought I was better but pushed myself too hard and got feeling awful again. This morning I work up and felt worse than I have for the whole two weeks + more alarming new symptoms I need to get checked out so I told my manager this and he accuses me of being fake sick and keeps prying on why I didn’t go to the doctor on my day off. It’s because I genuinely didn’t feel as sick as today and now I’m even worse.

Trying to make me feel like a terrible person because I’m in need of medical attention. He’s lucky I don’t just lock the store and leave rn with no one in it lmao

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