
Weekend work, comp days confusion

This happened years ago in a Healthcare job. It was one of the very first times I stood up to a boss and I'm still finding myself wondering 8 years later who was in the right. The work week went Sunday to Saturday and my position was 5 days, 8 hours generally Monday through Friday with compensation days when I had to work a weekend shift. Saturday's comp day happened before working weekend and Sunday's happened after. Very rarely, the patient count would be low and there was a chance of getting called off. PTO or no pay for Saturday and given the option of PTO or working the comp day when called off for Sunday. I was scheduled Saturday and Sunday on a particular schedule block. Worked Saturday and everything was looking good for Sunday. I was unexpectedly called off for Sunday. I had appointments, which included seeing a…

This happened years ago in a Healthcare job. It was one of the very first times I stood up to a boss and I'm still finding myself wondering 8 years later who was in the right.

The work week went Sunday to Saturday and my position was 5 days, 8 hours generally Monday through Friday with compensation days when I had to work a weekend shift. Saturday's comp day happened before working weekend and Sunday's happened after. Very rarely, the patient count would be low and there was a chance of getting called off. PTO or no pay for Saturday and given the option of PTO or working the comp day when called off for Sunday.

I was scheduled Saturday and Sunday on a particular schedule block. Worked Saturday and everything was looking good for Sunday. I was unexpectedly called off for Sunday. I had appointments, which included seeing a lawyer with my dad. My stepmother had recently died and we needed to do some paperwork. Dad intentionally made the appointment based on my days “off”. Important to note, this was after the schedule had been made.

I go in Monday, and boss tells me I will be working my comp day. I had been there 5 years and it had always been a choice. I immediately decline, request PTO and ask when it became boss's choice. I get talked to, berated, called disloyal, lazy, not a team player, etc. I'm still pretty calm. I tell boss I can cancel my morning appointment, but I will be taking the afternoon off for personal reasons. Boss knows I've had a recent family death. Boss says it's not good enough and I will be working the whole day. I should have emailed and submitted PTO, about something i didn't even know about the month prior, if i needed the day off. I'm getting upset. I get the schedule and the staffing looks good on my comp day.

Then I find out someone else asked to take the day off for wedding planning, as soon as they found out i didn't work Sunday. They volunteered me to the boss. I ignored all communication all day regarding the situation. Moved my purse, keys, etc to a friend's locker. Parked my car in a different lot. Clocked out at end of day at the other side of the building and went home. Next day, I had my appointment, went to the lawyer, and then got my physician to sign off on FMLA due to grieving. When work called, I text back with my comp day highlighted. I know I acted like a brat. I think the only thing that saved me was the FMLA application.

TLDR : Get called off work, boss tries to give my comp day away. I disappear only to reappear with a FMLA application.

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