
well im pissed.

My fiance and I work for the same company, today he told me he might get fired. Long story short my fiance is a foreman at this house painting company we work for. Our boss gave him a credit card to use for gas. A bit ago he found out we used the credit card for gas in my car on vacation because we had an actual emergency and had no money and no way of getting home bc we ran out of gas. My fiance forgot to pay him back, it was 40$. Today our boss took the card from him evem tho my fiance said he would pay him back in cash right now, and he was very sorry he forgot to mention it. Anyways did I forget to mention just last week my boss didn't pay him the 600$ he owes him from working for a week?…

My fiance and I work for the same company, today he told me he might get fired. Long story short my fiance is a foreman at this house painting company we work for. Our boss gave him a credit card to use for gas. A bit ago he found out we used the credit card for gas in my car on vacation because we had an actual emergency and had no money and no way of getting home bc we ran out of gas. My fiance forgot to pay him back, it was 40$. Today our boss took the card from him evem tho my fiance said he would pay him back in cash right now, and he was very sorry he forgot to mention it.

Anyways did I forget to mention just last week my boss didn't pay him the 600$ he owes him from working for a week? Yeah my fiance didn't get paid for a weeks worth of work, because he the app we use to put our hours in didn't work. He told our boss, and our boss didn't care that it wSnt working. He can PROVE , he was there at work that week. But still, he refuses to pay him the 600 he owes him.

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