
WFH people need a reality check.

While you guys cry about which air conditioned building you have to work in, try to remember there are tons of folk about to leave home to work outside in parts of the country under extreme heat conditions. Just saying, try having a bit of empathy and a touch of gratitude. Saw a post here of a guy saying he wanted more money cuz he no longer got free lunch at work, or people saying “fine, if I have to work from office I want my travel time/expense covered”, like who do you think you are? Y'all act like this was a long standing right that is being ripped away, when reality is for most you only started WFH 3 years ago. You may win the battle, but I guarantee you'll lose the war. If your job can be done remotely, it is only a few jumps from being replaced…

 While you guys cry about which air conditioned building you have to work in, try to remember there are tons of folk about to leave home to work outside in parts of the country under extreme heat conditions. Just saying, try having a bit of empathy and a touch of gratitude. Saw a post here of a guy saying he wanted more money cuz he no longer got free lunch at work, or people saying "fine, if I have to work from office I want my travel time/expense covered", like who do you think you are? Y'all act like this was a long standing right that is being ripped away, when reality is for most you only started WFH 3 years ago. You may win the battle, but I guarantee you'll lose the war. If your job can be done remotely, it is only a few jumps from being replaced by AI/Automation. A line of code isn't going to lay the plumbing in your house.

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