
what a brain dead take “We are heading into a world where a flat-screen TV that covers your entire wall costs $100, and a four-year college degree costs $1 million…” The above statement is true. His diagnosis however is that it's bc of govt regulation. All of the sectors listed (education, healthcare, and housing) are almost entirely for profit industries into which the govt shovels tax payer money. But it's the regulation that's the issue…not these industries basically price gouging because they can (healthcare, education) or being gobbled up by huge companies (housing).

“We are heading into a world where a flat-screen TV that covers your entire wall costs $100, and a four-year college degree costs $1 million…”

The above statement is true. His diagnosis however is that it's bc of govt regulation. All of the sectors listed (education, healthcare, and housing) are almost entirely for profit industries into which the govt shovels tax payer money. But it's the regulation that's the issue…not these industries basically price gouging because they can (healthcare, education) or being gobbled up by huge companies (housing).

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