
What am I supposed to do?!

I have a head cold, I know it's a head cold, I get them at least once a year when allergies are bad, or like right now, when we have fire smoke all in our air. Who goes to a doctor for that anymore? Especially when all they will do is tell you to just take allergy meds, ibuprofen and or Aleve for the headache, and if necessary, chest congestion meds if it gets worse. Also, and my manager knows this, I take public transportation(getting a car soon), so why am I going to go make at least 2 bus drivers possibly sick, plus a whole bus of people? If I'm not willing to expose my co-workers, or the office people whose desks I lean over and clean everyday, why tf would I do it to people on a bus? I'm at a loss and don't know what I should…

I have a head cold, I know it's a head cold, I get them at least once a year when allergies are bad, or like right now, when we have fire smoke all in our air.

Who goes to a doctor for that anymore? Especially when all they will do is tell you to just take allergy meds, ibuprofen and or Aleve for the headache, and if necessary, chest congestion meds if it gets worse.

Also, and my manager knows this, I take public transportation(getting a car soon), so why am I going to go make at least 2 bus drivers possibly sick, plus a whole bus of people? If I'm not willing to expose my co-workers, or the office people whose desks I lean over and clean everyday, why tf would I do it to people on a bus?

I'm at a loss and don't know what I should do, if anything at this point.

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