
What invasive things have you been asked to provide when starting a job.

Seen two posts in the past couple of weeks. One a person was asked to provide their last 3 wage slips to show how much their last salary was. Another was asked for a waiver so their GP can give the employer a full medical history report, despite the job itself being a routine job that wouldn’t require it for safety or anything. Seems extremely invasive and frankly none of their business. Personally I’d tell them to fuck off. Anyone any similar stories?

Seen two posts in the past couple of weeks.
One a person was asked to provide their last 3 wage slips to show how much their last salary was.
Another was asked for a waiver so their GP can give the employer a full medical history report, despite the job itself being a routine job that wouldn’t require it for safety or anything.
Seems extremely invasive and frankly none of their business.
Personally I’d tell them to fuck off.
Anyone any similar stories?

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