
What is everyone’s opinion on loud quitting and/or rage quitting?

As an Xennial it horrifies me when people film themselves quitting and put it on social media. I think of all the burned bridges and it gives me instant anxiety. I would never do it. That being said, I can't but help but think of the immense satisfaction someone might get from it (I've done it in my head plenty of times), at least in the short-term. For those who have loud quit and/or rage quit, hell even just participated in the Great Quick during the pandemic, how have things gone since. Do you regret it? Would you do it again?

As an Xennial it horrifies me when people film themselves quitting and put it on social media. I think of all the burned bridges and it gives me instant anxiety. I would never do it.

That being said, I can't but help but think of the immense satisfaction someone might get from it (I've done it in my head plenty of times), at least in the short-term. For those who have loud quit and/or rage quit, hell even just participated in the Great Quick during the pandemic, how have things gone since. Do you regret it? Would you do it again?

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