
What’s the Worst job you’ve ever had?

My first job when I was 19, I worked at a Nuts & Sweets shop, it was like a candy store but with all kinds of nuts, desserts…etc. It was 7 days a week, NO OFF DAYS with a garbage salary. Since I'm posting this online and each one of you comes from a different country and economy, you won't understand how bad the paycheck was if I tell you the actual number so I'll rate it in terms of stability. The salary was a 2/10. It was so unbelievably bad, you'd appreciate minimum wage as a waiter. It's an amazing store chain for customers don't get me wrong but it's hell Incarnate for workers. We had day shifts (9am to 4pm) and night shifts (4pm to midnight). I was stuck with the night shifts for the duration of the year I worked there. So imagine that, I go to…

My first job when I was 19, I worked at a Nuts & Sweets shop, it was like a candy store but with all kinds of nuts, desserts…etc.
It was 7 days a week, NO OFF DAYS with a garbage salary. Since I'm posting this online and each one of you comes from a different country and economy, you won't understand how bad the paycheck was if I tell you the actual number so I'll rate it in terms of stability. The salary was a 2/10. It was so unbelievably bad, you'd appreciate minimum wage as a waiter.

It's an amazing store chain for customers don't get me wrong but it's hell Incarnate for workers. We had day shifts (9am to 4pm) and night shifts (4pm to midnight). I was stuck with the night shifts for the duration of the year I worked there.
So imagine that, I go to school during the day from 7am to 1pm, and I'd have 2 hours to relax and eat something then I had to go to work from 4pm to midnight EVERY SINGLE DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK. For a 2/10 salary. I couldn't find anything else at that time because I was still a student so I sticked with it. Also did I mention sitting was forbidden? If one of the managers saw us sitting down for even a small moment he'd write you up. And dinner breaks were only 10 minutes. You had 10 minutes to eat as fastest possible and get back to the front. And if the store was busy you'd have to skip dinner at the proper time and deal with customers until the store got quiet then you could eat (when it fucking reached 10pm).
As you can tell by what I've said so far A LOT of workers came and went. Like in a duration of 2 months there would be at least 6 people that quit and 2 that were fired. Each shift had 12-15 workers (it was a big store). Out of those 15, only 5 of the original staff stayed the whole duration of 1 year I worked there, including myself. Everyone else came and went. If you saw a new guy you'd just tell him “welcome to hell” and never learn his name because he'd be gone in a month.

PSA to employers, don't be assholes to your employees and pay them properly and they'll be loyal to you.

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