
Who can i call to report an employee

This is the u.s indiana The town i live in has a hard time receiving our mail because the person work in the post office keeps sending our mail back, we have tried contacting those above but nothing has been done We do not receive our sewer bills in time, or sometimes at all Had new neighbors move in and did not receive mail for a few weeks and went to ask why and the answer they were given was ” i was unaware so and so moved i have been sending your mail back” Today i found out a letter i have been waiting for was sent in april and i have yet to receive it probably because this person does not know my daughters name and sent it back And supossable she has told people she reads their mail then throws it away, i do not know how…

This is the u.s indiana

The town i live in has a hard time receiving our mail because the person work in the post office keeps sending our mail back, we have tried contacting those above but nothing has been done

We do not receive our sewer bills in time, or sometimes at all

Had new neighbors move in and did not receive mail for a few weeks and went to ask why and the answer they were given was ” i was unaware so and so moved i have been sending your mail back”

Today i found out a letter i have been waiting for was sent in april and i have yet to receive it probably because this person does not know my daughters name and sent it back

And supossable she has told people she reads their mail then throws it away, i do not know how true that is but i would not be surprised because of the trouble i have had trying to get my mail

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