
Who moderates the mods?

I get the feeling someone on the mod team is anti-antiwork. Posts that don't break any rules keep having pinned comments from the mod team that either directly attack OPs post or try to dampen the spirit of activism with lines to the effect of: stop complaining, and do something(on a post actively calling on people to organize a general strike). Seems like one of the mods has gone power crazy and is inflicting their own personal ideology on the sub rather than just policing rule violations. If i was more paranoid i would worry that a mod team member would be a perfect target to corrupt if a finincial entity wanted to have some control over the antiwork movement. I just want to shout out to the mod team to back tf up and let the users discuss stuff. Mods have too much power and visibility to be pushing…

I get the feeling someone on the mod team is anti-antiwork. Posts that don't break any rules keep having pinned comments from the mod team that either directly attack OPs post or try to dampen the spirit of activism with lines to the effect of: stop complaining, and do something(on a post actively calling on people to organize a general strike).

Seems like one of the mods has gone power crazy and is inflicting their own personal ideology on the sub rather than just policing rule violations.

If i was more paranoid i would worry that a mod team member would be a perfect target to corrupt if a finincial entity wanted to have some control over the antiwork movement.

I just want to shout out to the mod team to back tf up and let the users discuss stuff. Mods have too much power and visibility to be pushing their personal interpretations of activism through the offical account. Either link to a guiding documemt for the subreddits goals, or stfu. If it isn't a rule being broken, you shouldn't be a part of it.

It's the same logic as why we don't let individual cops write laws.

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