
Why do employers reach out but then never respond back????

I had two companies reach out to me a few days ago. One through email and the other left a voicemail. I immediately responded to the email and told her the times I was available and if they didn't work for her to let me know. I haven't heard anything back. The other I called back and left a voicemail letting her know I'd be available all day and I apologized for missing her call. Never heard back. Like what??? What's the point??? I haven't applied to a job in four years and the last one I applied for forever ago ghosted me on the day of our video interview because of “my bad credit” so it's just all triggering TF out of me. I'm more than qualified and have a degree so I don't think it's a question of my experience. This is so frustrating. Do I just keep…

I had two companies reach out to me a few days ago. One through email and the other left a voicemail. I immediately responded to the email and told her the times I was available and if they didn't work for her to let me know. I haven't heard anything back. The other I called back and left a voicemail letting her know I'd be available all day and I apologized for missing her call. Never heard back. Like what??? What's the point??? I haven't applied to a job in four years and the last one I applied for forever ago ghosted me on the day of our video interview because of “my bad credit” so it's just all triggering TF out of me.

I'm more than qualified and have a degree so I don't think it's a question of my experience. This is so frustrating. Do I just keep emailing and calling them? Do I give up?

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