
Why do some managers think initimadation works?

Read a post on here reminded me of my previous job I quit in January. I had a manager who basicaly used intimidation as a way of gaining respect from his employees. When i first joined his team he bragged to me about how he use intimidation and mind games as they were “effective” in employee cooperation and its whats need to be a good leader. Every one on his team was afraid of him and basically did what he asked. He tried the same on me, but after bragging to me about it I couldn't care less. He made my life hell for 2 months because I wasnt scared of him so he just added more and more work on to my workload, scare tactics, intimidation and then just implied that if I was like the other members of the team this wouldnt be an issue. Last day working…

Read a post on here reminded me of my previous job I quit in January.

I had a manager who basicaly used intimidation as a way of gaining respect from his employees. When i first joined his team he bragged to me about how he use intimidation and mind games as they were “effective” in employee cooperation and its whats need to be a good leader. Every one on his team was afraid of him and basically did what he asked.

He tried the same on me, but after bragging to me about it I couldn't care less. He made my life hell for 2 months because I wasnt scared of him so he just added more and more work on to my workload, scare tactics, intimidation and then just implied that if I was like the other members of the team this wouldnt be an issue. Last day working there he was planning to be me on performance plan because I said no to doing a task he wanted me to do that was way out of my job description and frankly, I was tired of his intimidation. Then half way through the meeting I said “I'm a grown adult, I'm not doing this anymore I quit”. Lucky for me I had a job lined up so it didnt hurt me financially. I did try to report him at the time but that company essentially said he has “aggressive leadership” which was not a problem and just his quirks.

Over the years, I've had managers like that though, who use scare tactics, intimidation and just on a power trip. When i was younger it worked but now I wont take that but like, why do they do this?.

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