
Why don’t companies hire lawyers/paralegal assistants for HR roles?

I’ve met so many people with different random degrees that become HR. It’s so interesting because they don’t truly understand laws or how policies are written. I know that they’re there to protect the company, not employees. However, sometimes they’re so dumb and don’t even seem to know how to protect themselves or the company. I feel bad for the company. I took an HR person to court and she was very dumb. She lied and did so many dirty things that were clearly evident on emails. I sometimes wondered that if she was so smart, she wouldn’t do it through emails. She didn’t know how the legal process works at court, and I actually seemed more knowledgeable because I did my own research. My training has nothing to do with anything legal, so I was quite surprised. I went through unnecessary hassles. I was also thinking that if I…

I’ve met so many people with different random degrees that become HR. It’s so interesting because they don’t truly understand laws or how policies are written.

I know that they’re there to protect the company, not employees. However, sometimes they’re so dumb and don’t even seem to know how to protect themselves or the company. I feel bad for the company.

I took an HR person to court and she was very dumb. She lied and did so many dirty things that were clearly evident on emails. I sometimes wondered that if she was so smart, she wouldn’t do it through emails. She didn’t know how the legal process works at court, and I actually seemed more knowledgeable because I did my own research. My training has nothing to do with anything legal, so I was quite surprised.

I went through unnecessary hassles. I was also thinking that if I was to run my own company, I would hire someone who at least understands basic laws. I’d prefer someone who at least understands how to research the law. I wouldn’t want my company to be ruined over some idiots who have no legal training or can’t search some basic sh!t.

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