
Why waste your own time as well as mine?

Lately I've been thinking of moving across the country to get closer to some family & to have a change in scenery. I applied for a position. The stated pay range that was 34-51, given my current and past experience I entered what I felt was an appropriate pay in the pay box on the online application. Within three days I had a recruiter emailing me wanting to do a phone interview. During the interview I was asked about my experience and how I felt about such a change in lifestyle compared to where I live now. Then they asked what pay I was expecting. when I replied with 45 the recruiter abruptly said I was asking way way more than that position is paying, thanked me for my time but I wasn't going to be a good fit for the position and the call ended. A few hours later…

Lately I've been thinking of moving across the country to get closer to some family & to have a change in scenery. I applied for a position. The stated pay range that was 34-51, given my current and past experience I entered what I felt was an appropriate pay in the pay box on the online application. Within three days I had a recruiter emailing me wanting to do a phone interview. During the interview I was asked about my experience and how I felt about such a change in lifestyle compared to where I live now. Then they asked what pay I was expecting. when I replied with 45 the recruiter abruptly said I was asking way way more than that position is paying, thanked me for my time but I wasn't going to be a good fit for the position and the call ended. A few hours later I emailed asking what their expected pay for this position was, their response was 33, less than the range that was listed on the job posting.

Why bother even reaching out to me. All they did was waste my time as well as their own.

Ah well, life goes on, other fish in the sea, etc….

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