
Wife got fired over an insurance mandated drug test.

My wife got fired yesterday for failing a drug test for weed 🤷. The kicker is the only reason she was tested was because some a hole backed into her while she was driving the company car, she never smoked while at work but because she smoked within the past month she came up positive. Ik for a fact most of her co workers and other managers smoke weed and probably worse shit. She loved that job and stayed there even tho they constantly had her close one night then open the next, work short staffed, and paid her less than freaking Walmart. Hopefully she can move past this and get a real job that actually respects her time and effort, it just is such bullshit especially considering we were already struggling with our bills as it was. (I work two jobs but the one closes for the summer).

My wife got fired yesterday for failing a drug test for weed 🤷. The kicker is the only reason she was tested was because some a hole backed into her while she was driving the company car, she never smoked while at work but because she smoked within the past month she came up positive. Ik for a fact most of her co workers and other managers smoke weed and probably worse shit. She loved that job and stayed there even tho they constantly had her close one night then open the next, work short staffed, and paid her less than freaking Walmart. Hopefully she can move past this and get a real job that actually respects her time and effort, it just is such bullshit especially considering we were already struggling with our bills as it was. (I work two jobs but the one closes for the summer).

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