
Work being weird

I feel like I know the answer but is it normal for companies to not trust their employees in the slightest and keep everyone out of the loop on reasons when they make a new policy or change a policy out of nowhere, including from their managers and supervisors who are running the stores on the companies behalf. They used to give reasons if a policy was changed so people understood the change, now youre just supposed to accept it without question and if ANYONE does question it the company turns hostile towards them… this doesn't seem normal to me… staff turnover is also ridiculously high, there's only 3 of us here that have been here more than 4 years, everyone else is under a year, most people don't last 6 months anymore…

I feel like I know the answer but is it normal for companies to not trust their employees in the slightest and keep everyone out of the loop on reasons when they make a new policy or change a policy out of nowhere, including from their managers and supervisors who are running the stores on the companies behalf. They used to give reasons if a policy was changed so people understood the change, now youre just supposed to accept it without question and if ANYONE does question it the company turns hostile towards them… this doesn't seem normal to me… staff turnover is also ridiculously high, there's only 3 of us here that have been here more than 4 years, everyone else is under a year, most people don't last 6 months anymore…

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