
Work, no rest, running after the money

I'm very exited to make my first post in this community. I would like to first send my salutations to all antiwork members as a lot of your thoughts are true and I share a lot of the same feelings you guys have. We live in a time where it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wages haven't kept up with the rise in cost of living, boomers are honestly the most selfish generation to ever exist, the level of greed I feel from these people is disgusting…..they are leeches that can't stop sucking!! I'd like to use this example to explain my inner thoughts: A farmer who has a plot of land uses it to plant his crops every season and in return gets his crop yield and sells that to make his living. Now this farmer is smart and takes proper care of…

I'm very exited to make my first post in this community.

I would like to first send my salutations to all antiwork members as a lot of your thoughts are true and I share a lot of the same feelings you guys have.

We live in a time where it's hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Wages haven't kept up with the rise in cost of living, boomers are honestly the most selfish generation to ever exist, the level of greed I feel from these people is disgusting…..they are leeches that can't stop sucking!!

I'd like to use this example to explain my inner thoughts:

A farmer who has a plot of land uses it to plant his crops every season and in return gets his crop yield and sells that to make his living. Now this farmer is smart and takes proper care of his soil between each season and makes sure it's healthy, with the right microbes and organisms present in his soil to make sure the next crop yield is healthy and the soil can continue to provide a yield.

On the other side of town you have the farmer who has the same piece of land but makes sure to plant as much as he can, over fertilize, does not allow his soil to do its job, and essentially his main focus is more and more output no matter the cost and no matter the effect. Over time this farmers soil becomes very unhealthy and is stripped of all healthy organisms and it results in a piece of land that is dry and not good for nothing……

Now folks, this example can be used as a metaphor for what is going on in today's society and economy. You have the previous generation who ultimately had it the easiest in terms of cost of living where a guy working at a warehouse can buy a house and provide food on the table….. But they also took advantage of how things were running where now people own 6-7 houses renting out rooms for 700$ a room and people can't even afford to buy their first home. Like brooooo, I just want a house to LIVE IN NOT MAKE MONEY OFF, the level of greed in society is crazy!!!!

Point is they have left a completely dry and used up way of life/economy and they expect you to plow the field the same way they plowed it, but get a fraction in return of what they got……

Anyways wish you all folks the best and don't stress over it, remember to rest and don't run after the money!! It's not worth you letting your health suffer.

Peace and blessingsšŸ«”

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