
Worked hard, did my job, held up my end but ended up with less money with my promotion.

Rant, feeling lost. I have been working the same trade for 14 years. I am an arborist. I worked as a tree climber through college, paid for a bunch of school and ended up with 2 masters degrees. Worked in my field 6 months, quit and went back to trees, being in a lab sucked and I made less money. I started my own buisness and did really well for myself in my mid 20s, made like 80k a year. My wife at the time got an offer to go to school so we moved sold my business and I started climbing for another company. I did great and they bumped me to a consulting/ sales job. 90k a year plus commission on my sales. I made 130k my first year. This year my office manager sucked, didn't sell his share and put it on my shoulders. I couldn't make…

Rant, feeling lost. I have been working the same trade for 14 years. I am an arborist. I worked as a tree climber through college, paid for a bunch of school and ended up with 2 masters degrees. Worked in my field 6 months, quit and went back to trees, being in a lab sucked and I made less money. I started my own buisness and did really well for myself in my mid 20s, made like 80k a year. My wife at the time got an offer to go to school so we moved sold my business and I started climbing for another company. I did great and they bumped me to a consulting/ sales job. 90k a year plus commission on my sales. I made 130k my first year. This year my office manager sucked, didn't sell his share and put it on my shoulders. I couldn't make commission because our sales structure is based off the office not the individual, meaning we both need to cover office expenses before either of us get commission. So I sold extra but it wasn't enough, i worked twice is hard and only make 90k. I talk to my divisionmanager about this issue, he just made me the manager wothout a pay increase so now i have to wrk even more hours, still not make commission, and the other guy is still making managers salary. So now I am working like 80 hour weeks, no joke. I have to do all the sales and take care of the scheduling and all the crews bullshuit. I have multiple crews to acount for. I got divorced from all my stress and now I'm in an area I hate and can't afford to live in because the housing married skyrocket and I don't know what yo do. I rather just go work a labor job again but that doesn't pay enough to live here. I know if i leave my crews could get screwed and i feel guilty. I keep these guys working to support their families. Im so stressed form it. I live with my parents because 90k is barley enough to live here. Can't afford a house with that salary. Basically feel stuck. End of rant.

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