
You better not ask for time off

Using this to rant about a company-wide meeting we just had. Leadership always encourages everyone to ask anonymous questions to be answered during the meeting (whether they're actually anonymous or not idk but that's another point). Someone asked if we could reinstate a policy that we used to have in which we'd get quite a bit more paid time off than we do now. It was removed back when things were going very poorly with the company and everyone was on board knowing it should only be a temporary thing. Now that things are going better, it was a simple question of whether this could be brought back so employees can have better work-life balance. This question prompted one of the managers to literally start yelling and threatening his team. Saying things like, “that question BETTER NOT have come from someone on my team. You all know that ANY amount…

Using this to rant about a company-wide meeting we just had.

Leadership always encourages everyone to ask anonymous questions to be answered during the meeting (whether they're actually anonymous or not idk but that's another point).

Someone asked if we could reinstate a policy that we used to have in which we'd get quite a bit more paid time off than we do now. It was removed back when things were going very poorly with the company and everyone was on board knowing it should only be a temporary thing. Now that things are going better, it was a simple question of whether this could be brought back so employees can have better work-life balance.

This question prompted one of the managers to literally start yelling and threatening his team. Saying things like, “that question BETTER NOT have come from someone on my team. You all know that ANY amount of PTO is a luxury as it is! I don't ever want to hear anything like that again!”

That put such a sour taste in my mouth to even be associated with such a toxic mindset and work environment. Not only the fact that he yelled at someone for asking a question that they were encouraged to ask, but to insist that any amount of time off from work is a luxury and that we should all be so thankful for a day off once and a while. Not enough for a vacation, just a few days here and there.

This is the same company that in a few meetings back, someone anonymously stated that they don't feel cared for or appreciated at the company, to which the CEO replied, “if you don't like it here, there's the door.”

All in all just feeling yucky about it all.

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