
10¢ phone call

My dad worked for the government for years, and this story always got me. Back in the day when not everyone had a personal cell my dad had a work phone that he took on the field with him. One day when he realized that he was going to be late coming home he used it to call my mom and tell her. Fast forward to when the bill comes in. His boss calls him into his office to ask who the unknown number on the bill belonged to. Upon finding out that it was a personal call, he made my dad pay the 10¢ it cost to make. Malicious compliance, my dad wrote a cheque and took it to reception for them to cash, got a receipt and everything. So the government was paying for a manager to pour over phone call bills, paid for two employees to have…

My dad worked for the government for years, and this story always got me.

Back in the day when not everyone had a personal cell my dad had a work phone that he took on the field with him. One day when he realized that he was going to be late coming home he used it to call my mom and tell her.

Fast forward to when the bill comes in. His boss calls him into his office to ask who the unknown number on the bill belonged to. Upon finding out that it was a personal call, he made my dad pay the 10¢ it cost to make.

Malicious compliance, my dad wrote a cheque and took it to reception for them to cash, got a receipt and everything.

So the government was paying for a manager to pour over phone call bills, paid for two employees to have a meeting about ten cents, my dad was on the clock when he wrote the cheque so they paid for that too, paid for reception to accept the cheque and process it, and everything else in between. Rather than just ignoring the 10 cent charge, the ONE phone call that was to an unknown number, his boss decided to be an ass about it. Talk about a superiority complex.

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