
Going from contractor to permanent

Today I got offered a permanent position from the company I contracted with for the last few months. I’ll be making the same amount as before. They also have health insurance but no word on how much it’ll cost. The company only covers half the premium. However I’m still looking for another job because there’s no 401k, only six holidays and only five PTO days for the whole year. There are some holidays where my company is open but the office I work at is closed. On these days, I’ll be able to work from home. I found a job posting for my job a few weeks ago. Apparently they can’t find anyone. They have pay range way less than what I’m making now. I still have one foot out the door because I don’t know how long I’ll last with only six holidays, five PTO days and three WFH…


work requiring use of pto for a certification exam

i work in SC, US for reference. my company requires us to have certain cerifications as part of our contract and normally we can bill the time taking the associated exams to professional development. my coworker just told me that they were informed they’ll have to use PTO or make up the time for the longest, but arguably most important, of the certification exams (6 hrs as opposed to 2-3 hrs). we are salary employees, not sure if that matters. is that even legal??? it feels ridiculous to expect that our hard earned PTO has to go to a work-related exam we’re required to take. the certification is ultimately important for our long-term career advancement, but not a necessity for the job.


When does it stop?

I just got an email saying that I missed a student loan payment and yet we are in the worst financial straights I've been in since 2008. . . . WTF do they think they're going to get from me? I got laid off, I barely have enough money for the mortgage let alone food. I only have 2 side jobs doing tradework I learned on my own without the help of this trash-ass degree (Biology) I worked so hard to finish. that could potentially keep us from losing the house this month. I think they found out that I've left homelessness behind since the last time they came knocking for money. It's so stupid, just give me a chance to breathe before pushing my head under and I would love to make payments. Now it just makes me even more determined to make it my life mission to work…


Say No to Unpaid Assessments

A marketing agency asked me to complete an unpaid assessment and no matter how much I hate my job, I don’t work for free. I sent back an email saying I would send over my freelance contract if they were interested in working together. Lol. We say no to unpaid assessments.


Love Y’all

You're all great and we're all in this together fighting for freedom from these large companies. Your value isn't defined by the salary your paid. We all make rich assholes wealthier while we never meet these people (that's how they want it). You're just a resource to them so don't work so hard. Find what freedom means to you and embrace it. Don't work 8 hour days, take breaks, your boss is just another person (who hopefully hates work too). If they fire you, it means you were in the wrong place and you will find something better. The “American Dream” is a lie that's told so you believe you can escape the trap one day (you won't). But now that you know that, you have a lot more time to get whatever that thing is done, so take breaks. Stay true to who you are. Stay kind. Give yourself…


My director is a mecha asshole who enjoys watching others fail

She complains about everybody’s work. This person is taking too long to do this task even tho our boss reassigned her to another task. That person is just an order taker. This other person should be embarrassed of their PowerPoint. (I had no idea until I started this job but apparently some people are real snobby about PowerPoint.) She hates our vendor team and yells at me when I try to align them on the requirements for the project. “Don’t help them. Let them struggle.” Like, WTF am I supposed to let them waste another two hours meeting time instead of taking ten minutes to help them understand something? Meanwhile we’re extending our project timeline and I’m the one that has to pull together the change order. If I have a meeting and she can’t make it and I try to recap it for her she gets annoyed and tells…


Most managers only become managers for money.

Most managers only became managers so they could make more money and advanced their career. Before you go into the work world you think your manager actually cares about you you think your manager is actually going to help you in your career. I’ve been in Positions where the managers like openly selfish and only cares about their own needs. All they care about is dumping the work on you and getting a big bonus. I’ve had some openly disregard me when I’m trying to give feedback on how to improve the workplace. They took the job of a manager but don’t want to do the job they just want to get paid. If you bring up issues in the workplace that need to be corrected they just ignore you and don’t do anything. They won’t use the budget to improve the department because if they keep the budget low…


‘You can hear your body scream for rest,’ say overworked Canadians struggling to beat inflation


my boss ghosted me???

okay hi so i recently had an interview w a lady who owns a cleaning business and she offered me the job, sent over W2 forms & direct deposit statements (which I signed and returned), and I even worked a couple of shifts with her. she paid me for one of them in cash but I haven’t gotten paid for the second one yet. anyway I put in my two weeks and completed them at my other job since I thought this was gonna be a reliable job that was set up for me when the two weeks ended. i texted her two days ago to see what my schedule would be like for this week and she didn’t answer. i texted her again today just following up again and No Response. so…. are we thinking something happened to her or was I just legit ghosted by my boss. is…


Variable Work shift

(tldr) company scheduler changed my schedule now listed as a no show) I work a variable work shift, and check my schedule with in two weeks of the schedule. I took a photo of my schedule on 11/11 and was supposed to work a night shifts this week. Thursday to Monday AM. Last day I worked was Friday ( note I worked both holiday days and will only be paid for one.) However I did not check my schedule and went about my day today as normal. When I check my phone at 530Pm today. I see I had two missed phone calls and that they were from work. Apparently they changed my schedule and I was supposed to work today. Now I have to face the manager when I go in – not sure how I should approach this? I have some photos that show they have heavily adjusted…