
I’m thinking about quitting my job.

I’m 24, I’ve been working in a die cast facility since June 25 , 2018. It’s a high paying job but I don’t get hazard pay, and the job is very underpaid for the chemicals, dust, and fumes we breath. I live at home and pay my own way with my dad, he doesn’t care if I move out or not, he won’t let me pay rent or anything, so I just save it use it to keep my car and truck in good shape so I can go back and forwards to work. Well I bought 15 acres , it’s not perfect but it’s connected to my dads 15 acres so I mean it’s cool because we have a pretty mid relationship, more like brothers then father son (if that makes sense?) I have a decent saving to the point I’m comfortable not having a job for a while…


Only getting 3 hours a week

I’m 18 year old from Ontario, Canada and have been working at this retail job for close to two years now, and would usually get 3-5 shifts a week being 5 hours each, (which isn’t the best but I didn’t mind it at the time), and got that many hours for a little more than a year. Till about 5–7 months ago they started scheduling me once a week, being 3 hours, and MAX 5 hours if I’m lucky. I really do believe I’m a good employee as I have great customer service skills, I’m always doing what I’m told, never late etc… and I just follow all the workplace rules accordingly. I’ve asked several times for more hours and I haven’t seen an improvement on the scheduling, and their reasoning would be how there aren’t enough hours. PLUS they’ve been hiring new people. Also, my availability is for anytime…


“Conversion” from contract to FTE and unemployment

After 12 months working at a job through an agency, I received an email from the client congratulating me on being “converted” from an hourly contract worker for the agency to a salaried worker for the client. For roughly 40% what I was previously making. I have no intention of accepting this paycut and think I can collect unemployment. Right now my employer is the agency so my understanding is that when my contract with them ends I am unemployed. The client is asking my to submit a resume and apply for my job (for less than half my current pay) so this would count as a new job, correct?


This holiday season, remember this rule: You gift down and never up

I am surprised how many people here mention that their bosses or colleagues in office expect them to give birthday gifts or whatever to their superiors. Are you kidding me? I thought this was etiquette 101. You don't gift up. I am a department head and I would never ever expect anyone to even remember my birthdays or anything let alone expect them to gift me something. Adding to that, I would not even accept it. This is just how it is. At best I would accept a card from them for well wishes. 3 years ago I got married. You know how many gifts I accepted? 0. Currently I have a young man in my company who is getting married. I will be gifting him some cash. Sorry for the rambling but it boggles my mind to see posts here expecting you to gift up. That is not a…


Advice needed: Partner’s U.S.-based company needs people to go to UK for several months. What costs should they cover?

My partner’s company needs people at another location and are asking for “volunteers.” The timeframe is several months at least, possibly closer to a year. This is a new situation for us, so trying to figure out what constitutes reasonable accommodations. What are basic costs they should cover, ethically or even legally? What stipulations should he ensure make it into the contract? Context: We are trying to decide whether it is financially worth it for us to make the move or if it’s just going to put us in a bad position. It would be an incredible experience, for sure, and we are interested. But it also involves breaking a lease, storing most of our stuff, transporting pets, etc. So, knowing what to insist they cover would be really helpful in making the decision. Seems like they might cover housing, but per diem hasn’t been offered and they are being…


I get paid about 0.28-0.4% of what I generate for the company daily

I just work retail but where I am, everything is so expensive and we have so many customers, that just a single sales drawer can easily be about $25,000. On a very busy day I have seen it hit a total of $35,000 just from ONE sales drawer. They can have 5-10 going at once. But after all that my take home is about $90-$100 every day. Whenever I count down the cash from my drawer at the end of shift I just get depressed as fuck at holding as much money or MORE than I make in an entire year, and that was from ONE day of sales.


Employer changed everyone’s schedule with only a days notice.

I work for a rehab center. A few months ago my employer gave everyone 4 10s that wanted them. That ended up being everyone. A few days ago we had a meeting about how we are all stressed out about being short staffed constantly. My employer suggested we go back to 5 8s to spread us out more. Everyone stated that we’d rather keep the 4 10s. A day later, everyone’s schedules were changed back to 5 8s regardless. I know that they legally can change my schedule. But don’t they have to give me 14 days notice before doing so? I’m in Michigan.


Another One Bites the Dust.

My job gave me the ultimatum last week: move out to our office or forfeit my position. I've been doing my job entirely remote for 3.5+ years. My job was initially supposed to be in-person, but then COVID and I've been remote since. In those 3.5+ years, I have consistently done my job well. This past year, our manager passed away. We've had an interim manager while we look for someone to permanently replace my late manager. We've also had a new assistant manager join this past year. These two met with me last week to discuss my role and give me the ultimatum. They gave me until Dec. 17th to decide. They also said they would provide me with one month's pay during the month of January, as a “buffer”, to help while I look for new positions as it's “so close to holidays”. I can't help but feel…


Don’t a Rebecca!

So Thai happened about 6 years ago but I’ve never forgotten how it made me feel. The text explains it all but essentially my BF at the time and I got into a huge accident on vacation where he ended up breaking his humerus bone. We had to spend an extra day in the hospital in the country we were in so I texted my manager and told her I did what I could to get my shift covered even before i reached out to her and her first text back to me was so incredibly cold. Till this day I will never forgive her for that and realized most managment don’t give a shit about you.


So my job gave a list of offensive that can get us terminated. A few have me wondering.

These were the ones on the list that made me go ??? No talking about health No talking about money No talking about family issues No talking about job frustrations (take them to management) I live in a hire at will state :/ but still ???