
I hated work so I worked hard, saved up, and retired early, but now I’m depressed and feel empty

This is a rant. 15 years ago I was having a discussion with a co-worker, I was complaining that while I liked the day-to-day job back then, I really didn't want to spend another 40 years just “doing work”. So I decided then that I would work hard to earn a lot of money, live frugally, save money, invest, and retire early. So that time has come, I now basically have a passive income off of investments, I quit my job a few months ago and I'm (relatively) free as a bird (until the economy crashes and my investments are worthless). Just to be clear I'm not super rich: I can afford monthly expenses and have a little bit leftover for fun stuff, but I can't go to crazy expensive parties, buy a lot of crap, and have 10 faraway vacations each year or whatever. It was fun for the…


Anti boycott

The idea of anti-boycott is to award and support companies which treat well their employees – to make a list of companies who reply to a list of clear criteria, for exemple highest paid employee earns not more than 20 times what the lowest paid employee does; wages periodically updated according to inflation; a percent of the profits is shared with employees etc. The companies on our list will get a label which they can use in their publicity and everyone willing to support them with their money will be able to check the list and buy from them. This will be a form of solidarity among workers of all different spheres, and also will motivate business owners to improve their employees' conditions while also being benefitial for their business and image.


5.25 hour long shift? That’s 4.75 paid hours and your mandatory 30 minute unpaid break.

God I forgot about this scummy tactic and how bs it is. Well atleast now I can sit on my arse for 30 minutes and revel in the ability to ignore all customers, orders, or issues for that time.


I’m sick and tired of my company stupid policies

So, two years ago I got one of the jobs I was really hoping for. After working in the front desk of various hotels, I finally got a back office job at the commercial department. Everything was great. 9-5, not having to work on weekends or bank holidays, and I get to see a total 0 customers/clients throughout the day, which is a BIG relief. However, I do not understand why my company (european) does not let us WFH. It's nonsense since I do not have to deal with any meetings (really) or do any visit in my hotel. But since WFH in my industry is not a very common thing, I kinda let it go. But, and this the reason of my post, I do not understand why: 1- We have to wear uniform (shirt with a tie, black dress pants) 2- We can't wear a polo on summer.…


Work really hard


Considering practice

So I'm leaving work, I noticed a group of people with trash bags, I find this multi billion dollar company has been having volunteers clean the parking lot since it's been it's be freshly sealed. That's my job and worse I walked it twice yesterday, is this the trend now, dump paid workers to con volunteers?


Honesty on an “anonymous” workplace survey?

My company's HR team recently sent out a company wide email saying they'll be doing an anonymous workplace survey. I am under no illusions about anonymonity, but wonder what might happen if I were honest. I generally like my job and my colleagues. Upper management is toxic in my department though. Ultimately, it's one bad leader overextended himself into a position he should have never had. He bullies, micromanages, believes might makes right. Disrespectful to the team, constantly negative, and EVERYTHING IS URGENT!!! He's made some comments about having his ass handed to him by his boss, so it seems like he's on somebody else's shit list. He's not very well-liked with upper management and lower level people alike. I need this job and don't want to risk it, but I also wish others were aware of the situation because it's becoming untenable for me. I'm close to breaking.


Employers do not care about their employee’s health


If you ever work in fast food and see it’s a franchise ran by Vibe Restaurants run far, far away and find a new job

There's a metric ton of God awful franchises ran by awful people or companies but anything ran by Vibe Restaurants is the worst by far. Vibe does not care to fix kitchen equipment such as fryers, ovens, replace things such as seasoning shakers, ect or even bother to fix infrastructure (our ceiling was caving in for about six months even after I told our district manager that it been slowly saghing and caving in more), we had no doorknob on the back door for two months (we had a literal hole where it used to be so someone could just slip their hand in and slide the deadbolt on the door if they really wanted to and rob us during the night), and almost everyone in upper management is awful. I've worked for two different companies franchised out by them and it was miserable. Work place bullying and harassment isn't…


The Average New Teacher Only Makes $21 an Hour in the US